With spring blooming in Arkansas, that means temperatures are climbing. As so many know, that also means people’s sex drives are escalating. You might notice your attractive male neighbor mowing his yard shirtless, his hairy chest glistening in the mid-day sun, while that tempting office romance becomes a little more enticing. No matter what form it takes, we’re all feeling a bit more hot and ready for some sexual action, having been locked inside for the past year due to Covid and less-than-favorable weather. No matter how you see it, spring is here, and so is the end of banishment inside our own homes.
This writer has already noticed his own horniness has gone into overdrive the last couple of weeks, the prospect of pleasant weather somehow making it okay to pursue my animalistic urges. All my winter worries have begun to melt, the sun’s rays making it a bit easier to see past the anxieties I thought so pertinent only a month ago. It’s as if the encroaching weather has given me new life. That, along with the fact that the world is beginning to open up again, with countless Americans now fully vaccinated and places like California opening up their inside seating to 50%. There’s another factor influencing my sudden onset of bubbliness — the fact that I am leaving Arkansas for the first time to relocate to New York City. It’s as if the world is working in tandem once again, opening up opportunities for all of us. With this promise of a future, how could one not be optimistic for what lies ahead?
Let’s be honest. Yes, I’m excited to live in a metropolitan city, with its myriad restaurants, museums, theatres, and sights. But I’d be lying if I didn’t say I was eager for the countless men whose orbits I will occupy on a daily basis. I’ll actually have options, and with those options, sex. Lots and lots of sex. I can’t wait. I’m not saying I’m only in it for the sex, but after experiencing the dry spell that is Arkansas, it will be a relief to at least know I’d have options if I so chose. (There’s also the possibility that I get to New York and none of the men are interested, but we’re not going to ponder on that unless we have to.)
No one can deny that the rising temperatures have brought about an increased sense of libido. This writer is going to embrace the horniness in all its glory, knowing that sex is on the horizon, in addition to opportunities. The question is, will you?
Until next time. Kisses.