NYC — the City of Tests

3 min readJul 13, 2021


Good afternoon, dear readers. I have survived 43 days in NYC so far, and though I have been overwhelmed, I haven’t yet been consumed by the stress. And that’s growth, right?

New York has tested me on a daily basis, whether that be through commutes — filled with flashy and sometimes eccentric characters — on the subway, on the streets, and/or in an Uber, as well as through my job and living environment. This morning, as I regaled my therapist of the trials I have encountered, I realized just how much I am dealing with. Not only am I adjusting to a new environment, I’m having to build a social network almost from the ground-up. In addition, I only brought a couple suitcases worth of clothes, so I have a few pieces in comparison to the large closet-worth that I’m used to.

Since I ride the subway and/or take Lyft and Uber, I also dress for necessity now, as opposed to the way I wish to dress, for fashion purposes. I often wear the same singlet with a pair of basketball shorts, simply because it’s more comfortable than sporting a pair of skin-tight jeans and a polo on a subway over-saturated with people. Since I walk everywhere, I also have to allocate time to get to my destinations. A commute that would be fifteen or twenty minutes via vehicle stretches out to be almost thirty to forty minutes because of the subway wait times.

I’ve also had to adjust to a new work schedule, which is constant morning after morning shift, something I’m not used to, since I worked night shifts for an entire year during the pandemic.

Notwithstanding all the tests, I have actually become a better, stronger person because of New York City. Yes, I’m still in love with the city and all it has to offer. Yes, I’m glad I’m here. And no, I do not regret my decision in relocating. The tests are many, yes, but they are also what makes this city so amazing. On certain days, one doesn’t have a choice but to rise to the occasion so that they may get to work on time. On other days, that same person must assert themselves to ensure that their card doesn’t get charged twice by the same restaurant. It’s these tests that keep me on my toes, and in the long run, I’m appreciative for them.

I also realize that I’ve only been here for 43 days. It’s a long time, but also, it’s not. Yes, I’m more comfortable navigating the city, but there’s still so much more for me to learn. There are so many more people to meet. There are so many more opportunities to encounter. Really, this is just the beginning, and I can’t wait to see what the next 43 days bring.

I hope everyone is staying cool in this heat. New York doesn’t kid with the weather, just like Arkansas. That humidity, though.

I’ll continue to keep everyone apprised of my adventures. Until next time, dear readers. Kisses.




Written by CFTurner

Residing in Manhattan, C.F. Turner is a realistic fiction author and blogger of all things sex-related.

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